2024-2025 Catalog

Tuition and Fees

Where Do My Costs Come From?

For every credit you register for, we charge tuition, a college service fee, and a technology fee. The cost-per-credit depends on several factors, including whether you take day, evening, or online courses and your state of residency.

The total number of credits taken comprise part of your semester fees;

Other fees include:

  • The cost of books and supplies
  • Travel to and from campus
  • Additional activities and expenses.

Tuition Equity Application

Contact Us

One Stop Enrollment Center
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Day vs. Evening Courses

Day Courses

Day Courses are defined as:

  • Begin before 4 p.m.
  • Monday through Friday
  • Fall and spring semester only

The tuition and fees for day courses are based on the student's residency as shown below.

Evening and Online Courses

Evening courses are defined as:

  • All courses starting at or after 4 p.m.
  • All courses held on weekends; and
  • All courses offered during the summer.

All evening and online courses are charged the Massachusetts resident rates (see below).

Costs by Residency

Massachusetts Residents, All Evening Students, and All Online Courses

The following rates apply to Massachusetts residents for day courses; and to all students, regardless of residency, for evening and online courses:

  • Total – $238 per credit
  • Tuition – $26 per credit
  • College Service Fee (CSF) – $188 per credit
  • Technology Fee – $24 per credit
Per-Credit Breakdown
Credits Tuition CSF Tech. Fee Total
1 $26 $188 $24 $238
2 $52 $376 $48 $476
3 $78 $564 $72 $712
4 $104 $752 $96 $952
5 $130 $940 $120 $1,190
6 $156 $1,128 $144 $1,428
7 $182 $1,316 $168 $1,666
8 $208 $1,504 $192 $1,904
9 $234 $1,692 $216 $2,142
10 $260 $1,880 $240 $2,380
11 $286 $2,068 $264 $2,618
12 $312 $2,256 $288 $2,856
13 $338 $2,444 $312 $3,094
14 $364 $2,632 $336 $3,332
15 $390 $2,820 $360 $3,570

Add $228 for each credit over 15.

To qualify, a student must:

  1. Be a Massachusetts resident for at least six months prior to the start of a semester, and;
  2. Submit a completed residency form to the Registrar's office. Students who do not submit a residency form will be assessed out-of-state rates.
  3. Effective July 1, 2023, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts created a new, additional pathway and expanded access to the in-state tuition rate, as well as to state financial aid (See Section II below) by allowing all students, including some non-U.S. citizens, who have attended high school in the Commonwealth for at least three years, earned a diploma or the equivalent (a GED/HiSet) in the Commonwealth, and have met other documentation requirements (listed below) to be eligible to pay the in-state tuition rate at public institutions of higher education. M.G.L. c. 15A, section 9, as amended by Section 11 of Chapter 28 of the Acts of 2023 (hereinafter the "High School Completers" Tuition Equity Law). While any individual may seek to be classified with "High School Completer" status under the Tuition Equity Law, in effect the Tuition Equity law has expanded access to in-state tuition rates to undocumented students, subject to the eligibility criteria and implementation procedures set forth below. Information regarding this law and its implementation will be provide and updated at www.mass.edu.

    Tuition Equity Form and Affidavit Final (PDF)

New England and New York Residents (Day Course Rates)

The following rates apply to New England (other than Massachusetts) and New York residents for day courses:

  • Total – $251 per credit
  • Tuition – $39 per credit
  • College Service Fee – $188 per credit
  • Technology Fee – $24 per credit
Credits Tuition CSF Tech. Fee Total
1 $39 $188 $24 $251
2 $78 $376 $48 $502
3 $117 $564 $72 $783
4 $156 $752 $96 $1,004
5 $195 $940 $120 $1,255
6 $234 $1,128 $114 $1,476
7 $273 $1,316 $168 $1,757
8 $312 $1,504 $192 $2,008
9 $351 $1,692 $216 $2,259
10 $390 $1,880 $240 $2,510
11 $429 $2,068 $264 $2,761
12 $468 $2,256 $288 $3,012
13 $507 $2,444 $312 $3,263
14 $546 $2,632 $336 $3,514
15 $585 $2,820 $360 $3,765
Add $236 for each credit over 15.

Out of State Students (Day Course Rates)

The following rates apply to international students and all other out-of-state residents for day courses:

  • Total – $472 per credit
  • Tuition – $260 per credit
  • College Service Fee – $188 per credit
  • Technology Fee – $24 per credit
Credits Tuition CSF Tech. Fee Total
1 $260 $188 $24 $472
2 $520 $376 $48 $944
3 $780 $564 $72 $1,416
4 $1,040 $752 $96 $1,888
5 $1,300 $940 $120 $2,360
6 $1,560 $1,128 $144 $2,832
7 $1,820 $1,316 $168 $3,304
8 $2,080 $1,504 $192 $3,776
9 $2,340 $1,692 $216 $4,248
10 $2,600 $1,880 $240 $4,720
11 $2,860 $2,068 $264 $5,192
12 $3,120 $2,256 $288 $5,664
13 $3,380 $2,444 $312 $6,136
14 $3,640 $2,632 $336 $6,608
15 $3,900 $2,820 $360 $7,080
Add $462 for each credit over 15.
Senior Citizens

Senior citizens who are Massachusetts residents, 60 years of age or older, and who register for courses on a space available basis are eligible for a waiver of tuition and a reduction in fees.

Qualified seniors who are non-degree students are issued a "space available" tuition waiver. Space available means that there is a sufficient paid enrollment to meet minimum class-size requirements, but the course is not full. Space available registration generally begins about two weeks before the start of each semester. Specific registration dates and fee amounts are announced in the semester registration schedule.

Seniors can choose to take courses either for credit or on an audit basis. For more info, see Workforce Development and Community Education.

How to Apply for a Tuition Waiver

Application forms for the tuition waiver are available in the Registrar's Office

Completed forms should be submitted along with proof of age, e.g., driver's license. If qualified, the Registrar's Office will issue a tuition waiver certificate good for one academic year at a time.

Payment Information

The College accepts cash, checks, American Express, Discover, MasterCard and VISA credit cards. E-check and credit payments can be made online through students’ MyBCC Self-Service account. There is a 2.5% service fee charged on all credit card payments.

Payment Plans

Payment plans are available to qualified students to enable them to pay tuition and fees in 3, 4, or 5 monthly payments. A $30 non-refundable fee is added to the student’s bill.

Additional Fees

If applicable, students may also be charged the following additional fees:


Program Name Cost
Nursing (Associate Degree) $300 per semester
Practical Nursing $100 per semester
Physical Therapy Assistant $250 per semester
Respiratory Care $125 per semester
Massage Therapy $150 per semester
*Note: Fees may change without notice.
Student Health Insurance Charge

$3,461 for Fall 2023 and is charged to students enrolled in 9 or more credits in a degree or certificate program ($2,309 /Spring 2024 only). This charge can be waived upon proof of other health insurance coverage submitted at gallagherstudent.com/berkshire.

Please visit the MyBCC Portal and log in with your MyBCC account info (this is your s# with a lower case "s" - if you have trouble with this, please call the Digital Commons 413-236-2165). Once logged-in, find the "Student Finance" tile and click on "Student Finance Overview." If you do not see the "Student Finance" tile when you login, scroll down to the blue "+Discover More" button and click it. From there you can scroll or search to find the "Student Finance" tile. On the right hand side of the screen under Helpful Links where there are 2 links you will need to complete.Click on the Required Response Form and fill that out. Once that is complete, please return to the helpful links section and click on the Student Health Insurance link which will bring you to the Gallagher website where you will need to create an account.

  1. Click the Student Health Insurance link
  2. Go to the Profile section and Login/Sign Up. **Every student will need to create a new account, then you will be able to use the Login button. You will need your Student ID # (do not use the "s0") and your Student Email (firstname_lastname@student.berkshirecc.edu) to sign up**
  3. Once you are logged in, scroll down to the Plan Summary section and select the waive button.
  4. Fill out all the required information gathered from your insurance card and submit your waiver.

It's peak season and Gallagher Student Health is experiencing heavy traffic to their website, therefore you may experience intermittent latency. They are continuing to work on improving this situation. Please look for confirmation that your waiver submission completes or try again. Our non-peak times are 11PM EST/8PM PST – 7AM EST/3AM PST.

Questions? Contact Gallagher Student Health toll-free at 1-877-306-2062, or visit the website and click Help Center located under the Resources section.

MASSPIRG (Optional)

All day students are automatically charged a $9 contribution each semester to the Massachusetts Public Interest Issues Research Group (MASSPIRG).

Students who wish to waive the fee can do so at https://www.berkshirecc.edu/srf

Miscellaneous Fees

Depending on the needs and circumstances of each student, the following fees may apply:

Challenge Exam $30 per credit
Clinical Makeup $50 per makeup
Convenience Fee for Credit Card Payments 2.50%
Late Payment/Reinstatement $100 per semester
Life Experience $30 per credit
Payment Plan Application Fee $30 (non-refundable)
Registration $40 per term
Returned Check $20 per check
Science Lab Fee $30 per course per term
Stop Payment Fee/Lost Check $30 per check
Student Activity Fee $30 per semester (charged to Day Students only)
Transcript $5 per electronic copy; $6 per paper copy (additional $4 for same-day service)
*Fees may change without notice.

Auditing Courses

A student who audits a course registers for the course but does not intend to receive credit for the course. Attendance requirements for audit students should conform with the instructor's policy for the class as a whole, unless other arrangements are made between the auditing student and the teacher.

  • Students who audit a course are normally not required to complete work assignments, take tests, or fulfill laboratory requirements. However, the auditing students may request to be allowed to participate in such activities.
  • Some courses may not be appropriate for auditing. Students who wish an audited course to appear on their transcript as an audit must register for the course, indicating "Audit" on the registration form.
  • Students who wish to change from audit to credit must complete a request form available from the Registrar's Office. The same is true for students wishing to change from credit to audit. These changes must be done before, and no later than, the mid-term grade date.
  • Financial Aid cannot be used to pay for audited courses. A student who has previously received financial aid for a course being changed from credit to audit may be liable to repay a portion of the aid received.

*Please note that the cost for auditing a course is the same as taking it for credit, and financial aid cannot be used to pay for an audited class. If you change a course from credit to audit and you're receiving financial aid, you may be responsible for repaying a portion of the aid received.

**Tuition, fees and refund policies may change without notice.