2022-2023 Catalog

Readmission Policy

Berkshire Community College

Practical Nursing Program

Readmission Policy

Students applying for readmission into the Practical Nursing program will be accepted on a space available basis once all of the following requirements are met.  All students who fail or withdraw from the program at any time and wish to return to the nursing program must comply with the admission or readmission policy as published and current at the time the student seeks to return.

Students with two Practical Nursing program failures, two withdrawals, or a combination of one program failure and one withdrawal, taken at another institution, at BCC, or in combination, will not be considered for admission or readmission to the program. If a student withdraws or unsuccessfully completes the program due to an unexpected urgent medical leave, with a health care provider’s written documentation at the time of withdrawal, they will be eligible to apply for readmission.

To be eligible for readmission, students must apply for readmission within twelve months of leaving the program. The student must be in good standing - rectifying any documentation of unprofessional behavior or clinical safety concerns before leaving the program for any reason or in any manner, failure versus withdrawal, in order to be considered for readmission.

Students whose prior dismissal from the Practical Nursing program was due to unsafe clinical practice or unprofessional behavior will not be considered for readmission to the program.

After a period of 10 years, qualified students with two nursing program failures/withdrawals will be considered for admission one time as long as they were in good standing, having rectified any documentation of unprofessional behavior or clinical safety concerns before leaving the program for any reason or in any manner, failure versus withdrawal.

Readmission to the program can only occur within twelve months of a student leaving, regardless of the reason for leaving. The candidate for readmission will be required to demonstrate retention of prior nursing knowledge by successfully completing all of the following tasks which are relevant to the section of the program that the candidate is applying for readmission into:

  • The candidate will complete the specified ATI computerized assessment(s), as detailed below, with results of 75% or greater. The ATI assessment(s) will be completed at BCC in a secure setting with a certified ATI proctor present. If more than one assessment is required for readmission, the applicant must achieve 75% or greater on all assessments in order to be eligible for readmission.
    • A student requesting readmission to LPN 145 or LPN 152, must complete the ATI PN Fundamentals assessment.
    • A student requesting readmission into LPN 162 must complete the ATI PN Fundamentals and the ATI PN Maternal Newborn assessments.
  • If the candidate is applying for readmission into LPN 145, LPN 152, or LPN 162, they will be required to pass three formalized psychomotor skills tests which include:
    • One sterile procedure. The candidate will choose to either demonstrate the removal and reapplication of a sterile dressing or urinary catheterization of a BCC nursing lab manikin.
    • Administration of a subcutaneous insulin injection that will involve mixing two different types of insulin.
    • Administration of an intramuscular injection.

Readmission Procedure

Step #1 - The student will provide a written petition to the Dean of Nursing via email no later than Oct 1st for readmission into Intersession, Spring, or Summer PN courses. Late petitions will not be considered. The written petition must indicate the candidate’s full legal name and which semester of the Practical Nursing program they are requesting readmission into. If the reason for a student leaving the program was medical in nature, the student must have a letter from their health care provider stating that the student can perform the essential functions of the program. 


Step #2 - The Nursing Admissions Committee will review all petitions for readmission based on qualifications outlined in the above policy. The Committee will consist of the Dean, a nursing faculty member, representatives from admissions and advising offices and the nursing data analyst. Other members may participate in the readmission decision process as deemed appropriate by the Dean of Nursing.

Step #3 – Decisions will be made within 2 weeks of October 1st.  Petitioners will receive an approval or denial letter via email from the Dean of Nursing based on their ability to meet these stated policy guidelines and an explanation of the committee’s decision if the student’s application for readmission has been denied. Students offered readmission to any section of the PN program are not eligible to defer.

If a petition to begin the readmission process is approved, the Nursing Administrative Assistant will contact the applicant regarding scheduling of their required ATI assessment(s).

  • Students seeking readmission into LPN 145 or LPN 152 will take the ATI PN Fundamentals assessment in November and/or December directly prior to Intersession or Spring readmission.
  • Students seeking readmission into LPN 162 will take the ATI PN Fundamentals assessment and the ATI PN Maternal Newborn assessment in November and/or December prior to Summer readmission.

Students seeking readmission into LPN 142 will not be required to complete an ATI assessment or psychomotor skills tests, but will still be required to meet all other criteria for readmission outlined in this Readmission Policy.

ATI assessments are considered “secured” assessments and will only be offered under the conditions specified in this policy and under the supervision of a certified ATI proctor. Students may only take two versions of the ATI assessment. Any ATI assessments previously completed as part of the Practical Nursing program are not acceptable alternatives. The cost of the assessment(s) is non-refundable.  Once the assessment is scheduled, students will be charged the full cost of the assessment, whether or not the assessment is completed.

Step #4 - Upon successful completion of the ATI assessment(s), students requesting readmission into LPN145/152/162, will be scheduled to complete the psychomotor skill test portion of the readmission process.  The student must respond to the Dean, via email, within three business days to confirm the skill testing appointment(s). If the student cannot accommodate the appointment date, an alternate appointment will be offered once only.

Skill testing is conducted by a faculty member and the applicant and is graded as pass or fail based on rubrics in the PN Psychomotor Skills Book.

Students who are readmitted after an academic failure will be required to enroll in tutoring services throughout the nursing program. Failure to enroll in tutoring will result in a written academic warning.

After successfully completing the ATI assessment(s) and psychomotor skill tests, students applying for readmission into the Practical Nursing program will be accepted on a space available basis.


Students who are approved for readmission are required to submit:

  • Updated Verification of Student Health History & Physical Exam form completed by their health care provider prior to the first day of classes.
  • Documentation of currency of all admission requirements for the program as stated in the Program’s Admission Policy e.g. - immunizations requirements, CORI/SORI, and current CPR certification.

Students approved for readmission into the Practical Nursing program will be subject to the program requirements stipulated in the semester of a student’s re-admission, and thereafter, while the student remains in the program. 

Revised: PN Faculty Committee, 1/30/19, 8/6/19; Reviewed: 11/20/19, 5/28/20; Revised: 11/5/20, 3/22/21, 6/28/21, 8/19/21, 11/22/21, 2/14/22, 3/21/22, 7/26/22; Reviewed 11/14/22, Revised 3/22/23; Reviewed 5/16/23